--- title: Responsive Demo subTitle: Responsive nav: demos description: How to use responsive options sort: 2 tags: - demo - core --- {{#markdown }} ### Overview > Responsive option can be used for setting breakpoints and additional options within. Try changing your browser width to see what happens with Items and Navigations. #### About responsive option Setting of the responsive is very simple. Structure of responsive option: ``` responsive : { // breakpoint from 0 up 0 : { option1 : value, option2 : value, ... }, // breakpoint from 480 up 480 : { option1 : value, option2 : value, ... }, // breakpoint from 768 up 768 : { option1 : value, option2 : value, ... } } ``` ### Key facts: * Each breakpoint key can be a Number value (like in example) or a string: '480'. * Owl has an in-built sort option but it’s best to set from the smallest screens to the widest. * Responsive options **always** overwrite top level settings. * As default, the responsive option is set to true so carousel always tries to fit the wrapper (even if media queries are not support IE7/IE8 etc). * If you have non flexible layout then set `responsive:false`. ### Live Example ``` $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop:true, margin:10, responsiveClass:true, responsive:{ 0:{ items:1, nav:true }, 600:{ items:3, nav:false }, 1000:{ items:5, nav:true, loop:false } } }) ``` ---- ### Responsive related options: #### responsiveClass Optional helper class. Add 'owl-reponsive-' + 'breakpoint' class to main element. #### responsiveBaseElement As default all responsive breakpoints are corresponding with `window` width. This option gives you an opportunity to change it to your own class/id like `responsiveBaseElement:".myCustomWrapper"` #### responsiveRefreshRate What this does is wait 200ms after you changed the browser width and performs refresh actions (calculating widths/ cloning items etc.) Default refresh rate is 200ms. I think this rate is optimal but you can change it if it’s to slow for you. As not every option is able to use responsive abilities, here’s a full list of responsive options.
#### List of responsive options * items * loop * center * mouseDrag * touchDrag * pullDrag * freeDrag * margin * stagePadding * merge * mergeFit * autoWidth * autoHeight * nav * navRewind * slideBy * dots * dotsEach * autoplay * autoplayTimeout * smartSpeed * fluidSpeed * autoplaySpeed * navSpeed * dotsSpeed * dragEndSpeed * responsiveRefreshRate * animateOut * animateIn * fallbackEasing * callbacks * info * and all events {{/markdown }}
{{#markdown }} #### List of responsive only on load * startPosition * URLhashListener * navText * dotsData * lazyLoad * lazyContent * autoplayHoverPause * responsiveBaseElement * responsiveClass * video * videoHeight * videoWidth * nestedItemSelector * itemElement * stageElement * navContainer * dotsContainer * and all classes options {{/markdown }}