gulp = require 'gulp' $ = require('gulp-load-plugins') lazy: false extend = require('util')._extend streamqueue = require 'streamqueue' spawn = require('child_process').spawn KarmaServer = require('karma').Server pkg = require './package.json' name = paths = src: './src' dist: './build' test: './test' docs: './docs' server = host: 'localhost' port: 3000 banner = ''' /* ======================================================================== * <%= %> - v<%= pkg.version %> * <%= pkg.homepage %> * ======================================================================== * Copyright 2012-2015 <%= %> * * ======================================================================== * Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ======================================================================== */ ''' # coffee gulp.task 'coffee', -> gulp .src "#{paths.src}/coffee/#{name}.coffee" .pipe $.changed "#{paths.dist}/js" .pipe $.coffeelint './coffeelint.json' .pipe $.coffeelint.reporter() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.coffee bare: true .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/js" .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.src}/docs/assets/js" .pipe gulp.dest paths.test .pipe $.uglify() .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe $.rename suffix: '.min' .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/js" gulp.task 'coffee-standalone', -> streamqueue objectMode: true, gulp .src [ "./bower_components/bootstrap/js/transition.js" "./bower_components/bootstrap/js/tooltip.js" "./bower_components/bootstrap/js/popover.js" ] , gulp .src "#{paths.src}/coffee/#{name}.coffee" .pipe $.changed "#{paths.dist}/js" .pipe $.coffeelint './coffeelint.json' .pipe $.coffeelint.reporter() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.coffee bare: true .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.concat "#{name}-standalone.js" .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/js" .pipe $.uglify() .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe $.rename suffix: '.min' .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/js" # less gulp.task 'less', -> gulp .src [ "#{paths.src}/less/#{name}.less" ] .pipe $.changed "#{paths.dist}/css" .pipe $.less() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/css" .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.src}/docs/assets/css" .pipe $.less compress: true, cleancss: true .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe $.rename suffix: '.min' .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/css" gulp.task 'less-standalone', -> gulp .src "#{paths.src}/less/#{name}-standalone.less" .pipe $.changed "#{paths.dist}/css" .pipe $.less() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/css" .pipe $.less compress: true, cleancss: true .pipe $.header banner, pkg: pkg .pipe $.rename suffix: '.min' .pipe gulp.dest "#{paths.dist}/css" # test gulp.task 'test-coffee', ['coffee'], -> gulp .src "#{paths.src}/coffee/#{name}" .pipe $.changed paths.test .pipe $.coffeelint './coffeelint.json' .pipe $.coffeelint.reporter() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.coffee() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe gulp.dest paths.test gulp.task 'test-go', ['test-coffee'], (done) -> new KarmaServer({ configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js', singleRun: true}, done).start() # docs gulp.task 'docs-build', ['coffee', 'less'], (done) -> spawn `(process.platform === 'win32' ? 'jekyll.bat' : 'jekyll')`, ['build'] .on 'close', done gulp.task 'docs-copy', ['docs-build'], -> gulp .src "./bower_components/**/*" .pipe gulp.dest "#{}/components" gulp.task 'docs-coffee', ['docs-build'], -> gulp .src "#{paths.src}/coffee/#{name}" .pipe $.changed "#{}/assets/js" .pipe $.coffeelint.reporter() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe $.coffee() .on 'error', $.util.log .pipe gulp.dest "#{}/assets/js" # clean gulp.task 'clean-dist', -> gulp .src paths.dist .pipe $.clean() gulp.task 'clean-test', -> gulp .src paths.test .pipe $.clean() gulp.task 'clean-docs', -> gulp .src .pipe $.clean() # connect gulp.task 'connect', ['docs'], -> $.connect.server root: [] host: port: server.port livereload: true # open gulp.task 'open', ['connect'], -> gulp .src "#{}/index.html" .pipe $.open uri: "http://#{}:#{server.port}" gulp.task 'watch', ['connect'], -> "#{paths.src}/coffee/#{name}.coffee", ['coffee', 'coffee-standalone'] "#{paths.src}/less/#{name}.less", ["less", "less-standalone"] "#{paths.src}/less/#{name}-standalone.less", ['less-standalone'] "#{paths.src}/coffee/#{name}", ['test'] [ "#{paths.src}/coffee/#{name}" "#{paths.src}/docs/**/*" ], ['docs'] [ "#{paths.dist}/js/**/*.js" "#{paths.dist}/css/**/*.css" "#{}/index.html" ] .on 'change', (event) -> gulp.src event.path .pipe $.connect.reload() # bump gulp.task 'bump', ['test'], -> bumpType = $.util.env.type || 'patch' gulp.src(['./package.json', './smart.json']) .pipe $.bump(type: bumpType) .pipe gulp.dest('./') # tasks gulp.task 'clean', ['clean-dist', 'clean-test', 'clean-docs'] gulp.task 'server', ['connect', 'open', 'watch'] gulp.task 'dist', ['coffee', 'coffee-standalone', 'less', 'less-standalone'] gulp.task 'test', ['coffee', 'test-coffee', 'test-go'] gulp.task 'docs', ['coffee', 'less', 'docs-build', 'docs-copy', 'docs-coffee'] gulp.task 'default', ['dist', 'docs', 'server']